/ 4 Pax
Absorb yourself in history with a becak ride through the old city. Historically, Solo has been a center of power in Central Java. In 1745 the Mataram court was transferred here from Kota Gede, and, since then, the city has built on its reputation as a cultural hub. From Solonese dance, wayang puppetry through to hand-crafted batik Solo remains a city that prides itself on its artistic traditions of elegance and refinement. Today, Solo is part of the province of Central Java. With a population of over 550,000 people, Solo is a densely populated city. But while people may live close together there are no high rise buildings, so this city has a community atmosphere that is difficult to find in any other city in Indonesia.
Located at the heart of the Java Island, Solo places ancient sites you will not want to miss: palaces, temples, and museums.
Various hotel options are available for the tour. Breakfast is provided by hotel. Lunch and dinner are served at local restaurant with authentic local cuisine.
During your tour, our professional, multi-languages speaking tour guides accompany you and explain all the things you experience along the way.
Touring with private, air-conditioned vehicles. Being a nomad in Solo is very easy, all destinations are connected with easy access.
Feel free to reach out and we're happy to answer any questions you may have.
Selamat datang!
After arriving in Solo, you will be greeted by our tour guide and we will take you to the chosen accommodation to check in.
Museum Sangiran – Candi Ceto – Candi Sukuh – Batik Lawean
After breakfast at hotel, we will take you to Museum Sangiran, it is an archaeological excavation site in Java in Indonesia. According to a UNESCO report (1995) “Sangiran is recognized by scientists to be one of the most important sites in the world for studying fossil man, ranking alongside Zhoukoudian (China), Willandra Lakes (Australia), Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania), and Sterkfontein (South Africa), and more fruitful in finds than any of these. Then we will take you to Ceto Temple. Ceto Temple is a fifteenth-century Javanese-Hindu temple. Ceto is one of several temples built on the northwest slopes of Mount Lawu in the fifteenth century. By this time, Javanese religion and art had diverged from Indian precepts that had been so influential on temples styles during the 8-10th century. This area was the last significant area of temple building in Java before the island’s courts were converted to Islam in the 16th century. Then We will take you to Sukuh Temple. Sukuh Temple is a 15th-century Javanese-Hindu temple that is located on the western slope of Mount Lawu. Sukuh Temple has a distinctive thematic reliefs from other temples where life before birth and sexual education are its main theme. Its main monument is a simple pyramid structure. In the evening we will take you to Lawan Batik Village. Laweyan Batik Village is Solo’s oldest and most famous Batik village, after the Kauman Village. The village is located at the heart of Solo with various heritage buildings that have a unique blend of Javanese, European, Chinese and Islamic architectural features surrounded by tall fences. Laweyan has existed since the Kingdom of Pajang (15681-1586), the first Islamic kingdom in Java.
Mangkunegaran – Pasar Triwindu – House Of Danar Hadi
We will pick up you at hotel and take you to Pura Mangkunegaran. Pura Mangkunegaran is one of two Palaces in Surakarta. According to devotees of ancient architectural beauty mention that Mangkunegaran Palace is the best preserved ancient Javanese architecture in town. Mangkunegaran is the only palace in Indonesia opens its private domain for public. Pura Mangkunegara is traditionally a palace of Mangkunegaran State ruled by Mangkunegara I and his descendants. Historically, this state was founded by Raden Mas Said or Prince Sambernyawa in 1757. Near Mangkunegaran we will Visit Triwindu Market. Triwindu Antique Market is the center of excitement for collectors of antiques. Also known as Windujenar Market. you will be greeted by a pair of statues, a man and a woman sitting in the cross-legged position. Solely dedicated to the sale of antiques, the atmosphere in Triwindu differs from other markets. The building market is a two-story, wooden structure that has stood since 1945, adding to the “antique” feel of the building. Then we will take you to Danar Hadi Museum. Danar Hadi Museum was founded in 1967 by H. Santosa Doellah to preserve batik in the City of Solo. This museum presents a collection of the best quality batik from various regions such as the original batik of the palace, Chinese batik, Javanese Hokokai batik (batik influenced by Japanese culture), coastal batik (Kudus, Lasem and Pekalongan), Sumatran batik and various other types of batik. The museum has a collection of 1000 pieces of batik cloth and has been recognized by MURI (Indonesian Record Museum) as the museum with the most batik collections.
After check out from hotel, we will take you to Adi Sumarmo Airport and our tour ends.
Thank you and selamat jalan!
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