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Surya Apriadi Wijaya, the Director of Dwidaya Wisata Indonesia (DWI Tour) shared his thoughts on the development of Indonesian tourism industry with us recently. He believed that, “as one of the biggest archipelagos in the world, ranging from Aceh to Papua, these islands make up of more than 1,340 local ethnics and share more than 700 local languages. The potentials that it offers are more quite massive in the tourism industry.” Indonesia with this big potentials in the tourism industry sector is one of the countries that earns the inland income mainly from tourism. Currently it is the second largest industry in the country.

These potentials need to be explored even further. Bali as the main destination for inbound market is still the highlight of Indonesian tourism. Adding to this, Wijaya said that the government is currently developing five other super prioritised destinations: Lake Toba, Borobudur Temple, Mandalika, Labuan Bajo, and Likupang. These destinations are the ones being paid more attention by the government besides Bali for inbound and domestic market.

DWI Tour, as one of the top leading tour operators in Indonesia, plays a big role in aligning its vision and strategy with Indonesian government focusing on to the development of Indonesian tourism industry. Wijaya said, “as the subsidiary of Dwidaya World Wide (Dwidayatour), we play the role as the bridge in bringing tourists their most amazing experience in traveling Indonesia. DWI Tour is the most reliable tour operatordelivering those amazing experiences to our customers.”

He added, “DWI Tour is working together and closely with many stake holders in tourism industry in Indonesia: the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of The Republic of Indonesia, local tourism boards, tourism associations, hoteliers, and many more. This is in order to maintain progressive development of Indonesian tourism.” DWI Tour joins a lot of activities with these stake holders, Wijaya mentioned that DWI Tour joins yearly travel marts domestically and internationally, joins webinars held by local tourism boards, and partners with our relations abroad in order to promote Indonesian tourism.

In 2020, the world was shaken by the deadly desease of covid-19 which affected the tourism industry drastically. Wijaya recognized this as “very unfortunate moments for tourism industry.” A lot of flights not flying, tourists feeling caged at home, industries suffering, but Wijaya affirmed that DWI Tour “was given the opportunity to keep participating and developing Indonesian tourism industry.” He added, “we may not keep grieving for the unfortunate situation. We keep moving forward to the better spirit of developing Indonesian tourism industry. Telling stories of people earning their smiles looking at how beautiful this country is.”

Wijaya believed in the saying ‘sometimes we have to look back only once, but most importantly we need to keep moving forward’. This is aligned with DWI Tour strategy to keepproviding innovations, creativities, and to adapt with all the sudden changes it may occur. Most importantly, in the current situation, DWI Tour keeps on paying the utmost attention to the regulations and health protocol to keep the industry going. At the end of the session, Wijaya shared his thoughts on why customers choose DWI Tour as their travel partner, “as the subsidiary of Dwidayatour with more than 55-year experience and more than 40 branches across Indonesia post-pandemic, the biggest travel agent existing in Indonesia currently, DWI Tour is committed to giving the amazing experience to tourists so that big smile of happiness at the end of tour will never be forgettable.”

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